Your Carosella Tournament Guide

Sunday September 26th is Tournament day, and the culmination of Carosella, the Mounted Combat Arts Intensive, and for some of our regular students, an entire year’s worth of training in the arts of riding, horsemanship, and swordplay. There are fun and friendly competitions for all levels of riders and HEMA practitioners, both on the ground and in the saddle.

Now Available: Carosella Unmounted Passes

Did you know that Carosella isn’t just for the horsey set? For those who want to learn all about swords, armour, bows, and horses from the safety of the ground, we have unmounted passes. From $45 for individual tournaments, to $265 for a full three days of swordplay, flags, archery, gatka, and armoured fighting near (but not on top of) horses, the unmounted passes are a fabulous option!

The Base of the Training Pyramid

Although a discipline in itself, dressage is not merely a style of riding but the basis of all riding. The show-jumper teaching her horse to balance and collect to squeeze an extra stride into an awkward line of jumps; the cowboy training his reining horse to bring the haunches under for sliding stops and rollbacks; and the knight using half-passes to manoeuvre in battle are all practising dressage.