Swordplay from the Ground: Turns of the Body
Incorporate turns of the body into your swordplay footwork
Incorporate turns of the body into your swordplay footwork
‘Volta‘ is the Italian word for ‘turn’. (Dressage riders will recognize it from ‘volte’, which is a small circle). The three types of turn are the volta stabile, or ‘stable turn’ the mezza volta, or ‘half turn’ and the tutta volta or ‘full turn’.
Breaking News! Before we get into this week’s topic of Movement, just a heads up that I will be running a FREE online 3-session Mounted Combat Masterclass on December 7th, 8th, & 9th at 1pm PST.
Your stance and posture are incredibly important to your sword-wielding success. The ability to generate power, control your blade, and recover well following an attack all begin with proper balance and structure from the ground up.
Before we let you get on our horses and swing swords around we want to make sure you can use them competently from the ground. Historically, a mounted knight also needed to know how to fight from the ground, since being unhorsed in battle was extremely common. For these reasons a good …