Carosellowe’en 2024

This post has been a long time coming, and we apologize to the entrants who have been waiting on formal results. We have been waiting for unpaid entry fees from several participants, as we did not feel it fair to give placings to riders who were delinquent on their entry fees. However, it is equally unfair to all the riders on their teams who did enter on good terms to withold their results. So we have decided to publish the results, with the unpaid riders stricken from the listings.

Carosellowe’en 2024 Results

On the last Sunday of October we held a Carosella of a different kind: the spooky kind!

Costume Class

What better way to start the morning than with a costume class? Judge Katrina Per-Carruthers awarded First Place to The Queen Bee and her Worker (Stephanie Brodowski with Flavie), with a tie for Second Place to the Witch on the Fairy Toad (Vilija Davey with Toad) and Pooh and Eeyore (Allie Douglas and Tilly).

Dressage Percentage Day

Next, riders ripped off their costumes and cleaned up their horses for a dressage percentage morning. We had riders doing regular FEI tests and Working Equitation dressage tests under the eye of judge Katrina Per-Carruthers of Leviosa Equine. For most, this was their first ever dressage test, and the judge praised all the riders for their sensitive and considerate rides. Our four top ranking tests were from Allie Douglas on Tilly, with 69%, Dave Wayne on Libero with 68.8%, and Laura Ambrosiano on Sammy, tied with themselves with 66% in both of their tests.

Mounted Games

After lunch we set up for Mounted Games. We had two divisions: Walk/Trot/Canter and Walk/Trot/Leadline. Team Games consisted of Pyramid, Bottle, and Wizard’s Castle, and were followed by Solo Games Bend, Sword, and Carton.

Team Games

Pumpkin Spice: Allie Douglas on Tilly, Laura Ambrosiano on Sammy, Stephanie Browdowski on Flavie, Vilija Davey on Toad
Akal Khalsa 1: Harjap Singh on Punjab, unpaid entrant, unpaid entrant*
Akal Khalsa 2: Bhupinder Singh on Sutluj, Parmandeep Singh on Raavi, Gursewak Singh on Peekaboo

*note, names that are struck through are riders withdrawn due to unpaid entry fees.

Walk/Trot/CanterPyramidBottleWizards’ Overall
Pumpkin Spice2:51:9212:35:2512:07:9411
Akal Khalsa 12:52:5024:26:2632:13:0522
Akal Khalsa 25:06:2234:17:3224:43:4433

Team 1: Dave Wayne on Libero, Avaley Wong on Tilly, Tarandeep Kaur on Sutlej
Team 2: Sydney Chin-Shue on Tilly, unpaid entrant, unpaid entrant

Team 13:29:0514:41:1025:26:9522
Team 25:07:1123:13:1913:45:6911
Solo Games

There were three solo games: Bending, Sword, and Carton.

Vilija Davey24.27220.09122.26416/1st
Bhupinder Singh25.06324.59419.99215 – 1*/2ndT
Harjap Singh22.761e019.02114/2ndT
Gursewak Singh35.15624.58320.72311/4thT
Parmandeep Singh27.39423.48227.85611/4thT
Laura Ambrosiano29.84525.05527.2156/6th

*-1 point for false start

Dave Wayne34.24130.76235.18210/1st
Sydney Chin-Shue35.04226.83136.0439/2nd
Stephanie Brodowski37.23331.34333.3518/3rd

Congratulations to all the riders!

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